Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day Twenty-One - Congratulations, you made it!

Well, this is the last blog and I just want to say - job well done!  I hope all of you had as good of an experience as I did.  For me, I want to make this regular lifestyle with a few added bonuses.  I'm at the point where I don't even miss the things I haven't had in the last 21 days.  Will I have the occasional drink, cracker, chip or even dessert.  Of course, emphasizing the "on occasion".  But, I feel great and more than candy, chips and soda - I want to stay feeling great.

I hope that this has been a life changing experience for you as well and you feel as good as I do.
Thanks for taking this journey with me and can't wait to celebrate the last 21 days!

Thanks for staying strong,

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day Eighteen - Are you taking enough Vitamins?

Vitamins are essential building blocks to the human body.  They help us maintain good immunity, make our brains work better and give us energy.  The question is, are we eating enough vitamins in our diet to NOT take supplements?

Because we are not eating dairy, calcium and probiotics are harder to get through diet.  Leafy green vegetables will get you the calcium, but not a well as say, a cup of yogurt or glass of milk might. And probiotics  you need to supplement if you are not eating yogurt regularly.  Frank recently told me about a product called Bio-K+. They carry it at whole foods and it comes in formats that are dairy free.  I tried the fermented rice probiotic - and I love it!

Here is the website so you can find it at your local store:  Bio-K+

A friend of mine just told me she is also low in vitamin D, this is very common.  I would dare to say that most of the US population has a vitamin D deficency.  Especially the one's who work or go to school indoors.  Vitamin D is naturally synthesized in our bodies.  We don't get it from foods that we eat.  In order for humans to get extra vitamin D - we need to either spend 5-10 min in the sun without sunblock (preferably on a large surface of the body like the chest) daily OR we need to take supplements.  I opt for the supplement because the sun scares me, but what you choose is up to you!  Both vitamin D and Probiotics will boost your immune system - and I'm sure after this past flu season, we could all use that!

Eating foods packet with vitamins is the best way to get your daily needs. If you are not sure, do a little research on what you are eating.  Josh has been loving pistachio nuts lately and discovered that they have almost a full daily serving of you vitamin B6!  Pretty awesome.  If you don't want to take the time to figure out if you have gotten enough vitamins in your day - take a supplement.  It won't kill you to have a few extra vitamins in your system.  I take them every day with my dinner, for better absorption. 

Here is a list of what I take:

Vitamin C 500mg chewable tab
High Potency B "100" sustained release
Vitamin D 1000 IU
Vitamin E 400 IU
Acidophilus and Probiotic complex
Calcium, magnesium and zinc combo
Co enzyme Q10 50mg
Oil of evening primrose 1000mg (this is a supplement for women)
Glucosamine and chondrotin 900 mg (I have arthritis, this is for joint health)
Fish oil 1200mg

Now this is based on what I feel I need added into my diet  - what you choose is up to you! 

Stay Strong!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day Seventeen - Elana's Pantry

Ok, sorry about the slacking on righting blogs. On the brighter side - WE ONLY HAVE FOUR MORE DAYS LEFT! 

Also, I was introduced recently to an amazing gluten free website called Elana's Pantry.  It is a great website to transition out of this diet and into a little less strict eating (allowing dairy and some sugar), and their are some AMAZING recipes.  I had this one tonight and I was blown away by how good it was!  :

mexican chicken and "rice"

Mexican Chicken and Rice

  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 medium onion, diced
  • 1 cup celery, finely diced
  • 1 head cauliflower, trimmed
  • 1 (4 ounce) can green chilies, diced
  • 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breast, grilled and diced into 1-inch pieces
  • 1 teaspoon celtic sea salt
  • ground cumin, oregano and chili powder to taste
  • 1 avocado
  • grated cheese, if desired
  • salsa, if desired
  1. In a large skillet, heat olive oil over medium heat
  2. Saute onion over medium heat for 10 minutes, until soft
  3. Add celery to skillet and saute for 5 minutes
  4. Place cauliflower in a food processor with the "S" blade and process until the texture of rice
  5. Add cauliflower to skillet, cover and cook 5-10 minutes, until soft
  6. Mix chilies and chicken into skillet
  7. Stir in salt, cumin, oregano and chili powder
  8. Serve, topping with avocado, cheese and salsa if desired

Here is the main website:  Elana's pantry - enjoy!!

Stay Strong,

Monday, January 30, 2012

Day Thirteen and Fourteen - Taking Weekend Trips/ Day Fifteen

This weekend - Lauren, Frank, Josh and Myself went to San Diego to visit Tiffany.  Thankfully she is eating the same way we are - so it made the cleanse much easier.  It did, however, bring out some emotions in all of us wanting to eat things that are off the cleanse list. 

It started with the trip down.  I think we were all a little cranky being out of our "at home comfort zones" and the trip down was filled with snide remarks, badgering and most of all feelings of hunger. Tiffany noticed our cranky moods when we arrived and offered to get something to eat. She had a groupon for a lovely Mexican restaurant in South Park - and we all managed to find something to eat off the menu.  In fact, there were a TON of delicious Mexican style food options and they had all fruit smoothies too.  The kind waiter was very understanding to our needs and recommended a documentary called "forks over knives" about the health benefits of becoming vegetarian.  This waiter was also particularly fond of Josh and let him know by rubbing his back and giving him lots of attention.  Did I mention we were in the West Hollywood of San Diego?  
After lunch, we took a walk with dogs around Downtown.  Walking around San Diego there are lots of restaurants and the smells are almost infuriating, they made our stomachs growl with envy. We headed home and ended up making a delicious dinner together of  Turkey Burgers (without the buns of course) with mushrooms and goat cheese,  yams, cauliflower and red pepper soup and a mix of sauteed yellow squash, sun dried tomatoes and onions. We felt very satisfied and we were all in the mood to do something.  We decided the jacuzzi was our best option.

After dinner we took a walk up to the jacuzzi to relax instead of going out for a drink like we would usually  do in San Diego. I though about how nice it will be to have a nice relaxing time, just the four of us in the warm bubbly tub, no temptations in site.  To our surprise, when we arrived we were instantly tempted with alcohol by a rowdy group that was already settled in the jacuzzi and very drunk.  We all instantly explained that we were on a 21 day cleanse and could not participate. There was no pressure from there, but it got us all talking about wanting a beer or glass of wine. This group was partying, talking about partying and well, we could only stand it for so long.  So, we left and called it a night. I think we all went to sleep with a little booze envy. 

We stopped to see my sister on the way back and she kindly made us turkey tacos and we graciously ate all the ingredients we were allowed to have.  We left from there and we talked about stopping to get in-and-out fries - I mean it IS just a potato, oil and salt - right?  When we did stop it was at a gas station, the nuts and fruit smoothies they had to ofter seemed unappealing and unsatisfying.  But, we stayed strong and we made it work. 
And in the end of the day - staying strong is what feels the best. Had we given into these temptations we would of feel good at first, but  the guilt would set in and that feels worse then any limitations we might have right now. 
I Hope you all enjoyed your weekend and feel at ease back in your weekly schedules.  We only have one more week to go!  I will talk to you all tomorrow on our Sixteenth day!!

Stay Strong,

Friday, January 27, 2012

Day Twelve - Tell me how you're doing!

Sorry for the late post.  Today was a busy day.  School is creeping up slowly and I am trying to prepare before it starts.  The next thing I knew - it was 6pm! 

I do have to say - I'm feeling pretty great.  Lately I feel like I don't even need sleep.  Even if I only get 5-6 hours of sleep, I stay up very late at night the next day and never feel the effects of the "not enough sleep" from the night before. It's kind of amazing!  This process seems to have gotten easier too.  I don't feel like the options I have are limited anymore.  I can figure out a handful of places that are fine to eat at, and I'm so well stocked with food at home that moments of hungry feelings are a quick fix.  I've figured out my best recipes and...the not so great ones. Life is rolling along smoothly and I don't even notice that my options are "limited" anymore.  It just doesn't feel like they are. 
So, how are you doing?  Has this become an easier process, harder?  Let me know what's going on with you today!

Stay Strong,

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day Eleven - Stress

Stress is a trigger.  It makes us stop our exercise routine, eat unhealthy things, and want to just go under a blanket and forget about it all. These are the opposite of what we should be doing.  Exercise, eating a balanced diet and talking about our day reduces stress and makes it easier to get through a rough week. Many things can set us off, such as being at a job you hate, responsibility for another person, or just a messy house.   Here are some common stress Triggers. We sometimes forget that we need to put ourselves first. We need to do this so we can focus on the others we are responsible for with a clear mind, so we can get through the day without feeling massively overwhelmed, and so we can feel fulfilled in our lives.   I think that is what this 21 day cleanse is all about. It's putting you first!  I for one feel more clear minded and like I'm going to go into my next semester of nursing more balanced.
So, set yourself up for success and go into each day putting yourself first.  I promise it will make your stressful life seem more manageable.  Here are eight ways to lower your stress.

Stay Strong,

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day Ten - Living in the Moment

I don't know about you but as I'm going through this process, I think a lot about "how many days has it been?" or "How many days do I have left?"  It's always been a challenge for me to stay present and take in moments as they come.  It's natural for most people to worry about the future and wonder if they made to many mistakes along the way.  The future and past are simply things we can do nothing about, yet it consumes our thoughts constantly.  You might think, well of course I can do something about my future, and to an extent you can.  But, you can't plan exactly how it's going to happen - you can only pick a direction.  I've found as I redirect myself from time to time to be present and feel each moment I am in - it's truly the best place to be.  It's a place without worry, a place of comfort, and the place I want to be the most.  It's amazing how many of us let great moments pass by because we are consumed in our thoughts of worry.

So, back to the cleanse.  Try and not focus on the big fat cheeseburger you are going to have at the end of all this or the wishing of never starting this process in the first place.  As you eat each meal think about the benefits that these fruits and veggies are having on your body.  At lunch time go outside and look at the beautiful view around you, feel the breeze surrounding you, and embrace the amazing people you have in your life.  Thinking about all the things I can have again on day 21 just makes me miserable, doesn't it do the same for you?

Here are 10 Thoughts on Living in the Now by Whole Living body+soul balance magazine

Stay Strong,